Thank you for your interest in becoming a foster for Jake's Wish Dog Rescue!
Fostering helps save so many lives and we are always in need of more fosters. Check out our FAQs and before filling out this form please make sure to read the Foster Information/Terms and Conditions page in full. When you submit this application, you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions. As a reminder, here are the highlights:
NOTE: Because many people are sheltering in place due to COVID-19, we have had a huge increase in the amount of foster applications we have received. We are so grateful you are excited to help! Please know that we are a small team and we are doing our best to contact as many people as possible, but we are definitely running behind. If you have experience with fostering with us or another organization, please highlight that experience in your foster application. Thanks so much for your patience!
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Cell Phone*
How did you find about Jake's Wish Dog Rescue and get to our website?
If you heard about Jake's Wish through a volunteer or foster what is that person's name and what is your relationship?
Employer Name*
What type of fostering would you like to do?*
Emergency Contact Name and Relationship: *
Emergency Contact Phone Number:*
Please let us know who lives in your household (kids + ages, number of adults in home and relationship, etc.)*
Please describe your yard or apartment/condo outdoor areas (fence? pool?)*
Describe your experience with dogs (ownership as an adult, fostering, dog sitting, grew up with dogs, no experience, etc.)*
Please list all pets in your household. (include species, breed, sex, & spay/neuter status)*
Describe the kind of dogs are you looking to foster. (size restrictions, age of dog, must get along with dogs/kids/cats, willingness to potty train, willingness to foster a dog who needs above-average medical care, etc.)*
I have read and agree to the terms of the Foster Agreement on the fostering information and terms and agreements page (link at top of page)*
Much of our communication with fosters & volunteers is done through a private Jake's Wish Volunteer Facebook Group. If you would like to be added to the group to see information like fostering opportunities and transport needs, please share the email address associated with your Facebook account so we can add you.
I am 21 years old or older.* • PO Box #1345, San Martin, CA 95046 • Tax ID 46-5281347